How to prevent skin irritation and treat dry hands?
You may not even notice the harder working part of your body, but your hands work hard on a day-to-day basis. Because they do such strenuous work, many people find that the skin can begin to dry out. Sometimes it gets so bad for others that their skin cracks and sting. Cracked and dry hands are not only looks unappealing but also uncomfortable to hold certain items without pain like shaking someone’s hand or typing an email.
What Caused Cracked or Dry Hands?
When the skin on hands becomes very dry, it can become unusually chapped or cracked. This can happen when our epidermis is less malleable and overly sensitive to change.
Many factors can contribute to severe dryness or poor hand health, including:
- Temperature variations, especially cold weather
- Frequent and rigorous hand washing, especially in hot water
- Work that requires your hands to be in water often
- Skin irritants such as harsh soap, shampoos, detergents, chemical cleaners
- Pre-existing skin conditions, such a psoriasis or eczema
- Aging
How to treat Dry Hands
If you have chapped skin and want to heal it fast, follow these few tips:
- Switch from your regular hand cream to a moisturizer formulated with urea, an emollient and softening agent that promotes healing. Consider cortisone-based, anti-itch or antibiotic creams or ointments as well, as they can help. Your pharmacist can provide advice so you can find the right product for your needs.
- Cover the chapped areas with a regular or liquid bandage to prevent bacteria from entering the skin.
Your Pharmacist can help
Visit in person to our Burnaby Medicine Shoppe location, or visit for your pharmacy services, including home support, prescription transfers, Rx refills, and telemedicine. Our website also offers up-to-date health resources. Shop online for compression socks , atoma branded products, and other home support products. Call us at 604-229-8353 to request a free consultation.
Read more how to prevent skin irritation: COVID-19: How to prevent and treat dry hands – Medicine Shoppe